Help us bring clean water to Santa Clara! 

Where is Santa Clara?

Santa Clara is a city in Villa Clara, Cuba. Due to economic challenges, many Cubans face barriers to safe water access. In urban areas, public water systems lack the needed funding to keep up with basic maintenance and repairs.  As a result, the water from these systems is frequently contaminated and unsafe to use.

In Santa Clara, thousands of people rely on the city’s outdated water system or find water at unprotected water sources. This water leaves community members vulnerable to cholera and other waterborne diseases. 

What can be done to help?

Over the years, H2O4ALL has installed 14 safe water projects in 14 different churches in the Cienfuegos District. In 2022, our volunteers implemented two of these water systems in the communities of Junca Sur and Lajas.

This November, we’re returning to Cuba to bring safe water to two more faith communities in Santa Clara, serving their congregation and the greater community.  

How will your donation be used?

Your generosity will give local faith communities the opportunity to give back to their communities through the gift of safe water. Struggling families in the neighborhood will be able to rely on a safe water source, improving the health and quality of life in the community. In addition, by empowering the local churches to serve their neighbours, we can help them strengthen bonds of community in their neighbourhood. 

Will you help us bring safe water to Santa Clara?


H2O4ALL will be traveling to Santa Clara later this month. As we move closer to the completion of the project, we'd like to thank our donors. Your generosity allows us to change lives and bring communities closer together. Thank you for helping us bring hope to Santa Clara, one drop at a time!


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